Patches-Jul12-2017.tar.xz archive contains the patches used in my July 12th build. * local_manifests directory contains repo manifests. Copy this directory to .repo and run repo sync before doing anything else. There's also a manifest for opengapps. To integrate gapps in your build, you will also need to modify your by following the OpenGapps integration guide: * kernel_patches directory contains kernel patches. Most can be applied with the patch command with a couple of exceptions: 1. 0000-android-rebase-new.patch contains binary files so it must be applied with git: git apply -p1 "0000-android-rebase-new.patch" You must apply this patch before applying any other kernel patches. 2. REVERT-remove-lowmemorykiller.patch must be reverted: patch -p1 -R < "REVERT-remove-lowmemorykiller.patch" Don't forget to "cd kernel" first or kernel patches won't apply ! * patches directory contains patches for Android userland. These can be applied with the patch command. * src_kernel_config file contains the kernel configuration. Copy this to kernel/arch/x86/configs/android-x86_64_defconfig (replacing the original file) --------- If you have any questions, you can email me at or visit Android x86 group at!forum/android-x86